Twin Flame Relationships. Hex and the City Podcast
Is there a dark side to entrepreneurial failure? Brain for Business podcast
The honour system: Educating the children of Nepal. The Good Ratio Network
Dr. Overall has published extensively across various print media and academic journals, including the following:
Capitalist Buddha: Waking up to Conscious Economics
(i) Articles in referred journals
Overall, J.S. Gonzalez Jimenez, H (forthcoming). Transitioning Toward Total Equality: A Theory of Hybridization and Natural Selection. World Review of Entrepreneurship Management and Sustainable Development. Accepted for publication and in press.
Overall, J.S. Gedeon, S. (2022). Rational egoism virtue-based ethical beliefs and subjective
happiness: An empirical investigation. Philosophy of Management.
Overall, J.S. (2021) Mindfulness and organizational productivity: The mediating role of positive mental health. Journal of Spirituality, Leadership and Management, 2021, vol. 9, pp. 20-32.
Article LinkOverall, J.S. (2021) The Working Class: An entire class of people left behind. International Journal of Business & Globalization, 27(2), pp. 206-220.
Article LinkHemsworth, D., Plough, F. J., Baregheh, A., Khorakian, A., Overall, J., Reed, T., and Peachey, L. (2020) Vitality and well-being in nurses. International Journal of Healthcare Technology and Management, 18(1/2), pp. 73-95.
Article LinkOverall, J.S. (2020) Mental Health among Entrepreneurs: The Benefits of Consciousness.
International Journal of Entrepreneurship and Economic Issues, 4(1), pp. 70-74.
Overall, J.S. (2020) Natural selection and bounded rationality: The implications for rational egoism. International Journal of Sustainable Society, 12(2), pp. 134-151.
Article LinkOverall, J.S. (2019) The Wrong Way: An alternative critique of the Camino de Santiago.
European Journal of Tourism Research, 22, pp. 62-78.
Overall, J.S. (2018) Eastern and Western philosophical positions on ethics: Lessons for
entrepreneurs from wisdom of the ages. Journal of Ethics and Entrepreneurship, 8(2), 56-71.
Overall, J.S. Gedeon. S.A. (2018) A rational egoism approach to virtue ethics: A conceptual model and scale development. Business and Professional Ethics. 38(1), pp. 43-78.
Article LinkCarton, G., McMillan, C., Overall, J.S. (2018) Strategic capacities in US universities and the role of business schools as institutional builders. Problems and Perspectives in Management,
16(1), 186-198.
Overall, J.S. Gedeon, S. and Valliere, D. (2018) What can universities do to promote
entrepreneurial intent? International Journal of Entrepreneurial Venturing, 10(3), pp. 312-332.
Overall, J.S. (2018) All around the mulberry bush: A theory of cyclical unethical behaviour.
International Journal of Business and Globalization, 20(2), pp. 251-267.
McMillan, C. and Overall, J.S. (2017) Crossing the Chasm and Over the Abyss: Perspectives on Organizational Failure. Academy of Management Perspectives, 31(4), pp. 271-287.
Article LinkOverall, J.S. (2017) CSR and CRM: The impact on consumer purchase intentions. International Journal of Internet Marketing and Advertising, 11(3), pp. 252-270.
Article LinkOverall, J.S. (2017) Combating rural poverty through altruism: A model for sustainable education. World Review of Entrepreneurship Management and Sustainable Development, 13(1), pp. 69-83.
Article LinkOverall, J.S. (2017) Practice what you preach: The failure of the welfare state and the discovery
of total equality through capitalism. International Journal of Public Policy, 13(1/2), pp. 69-85.
Overall, J.S. (2016) The dark side of entrepreneurship: A conceptual framework of cognitive biases,
neutralization, and risky entrepreneurial behaviour. Academy of Entrepreneurship Journal, 22(2), pp. 1- 12.
McMillan, C. Overall, J. (2016) Management Relevance in a Business School Setting: A
Research Note on an Empirical Investigation. The International Journal of Management
Education, 14(2), pp. 187-197.
Overall, J.S. Wise, S. (2016) The antecedents of entrepreneurial success: The importance of travel.
Journal of Enterprising Culture, 24(3), pp. 1-33.
Overall, J.S. (2016) Unethical behavior in organizations: empirical findings that challenge CSR and egoism theory.
Business Ethics: A European Review, 25(2), pp. 113-127.
Overall, J.S. (2016) Cyclical workplace stress and employee pathology: A conceptual framework.
International Journal of Work Organisation and Emotion, 7(2), pp. 98-103.
Overall, J.S. (2015) Stop drinking the Kool-Aid: The academic journal review process is broken,
let’s fix it. Journal of Academic Ethics, 13(3), pp. 277-289.
Overall, J.S. (2015) A conceptual framework of innovation and performance: The importance of
leadership, relationship quality, and knowledge management. Academy of Entrepreneurship
Journal, 21(2), pp. 41- 54.
Overall, J.S. Wise, S. (2015) An S-curve model of the start-up lifecycle through the lens of
customer development. The Journal of Private Equity, 18(2), pp. 23-34.
(ii) Non-referred Publications
Overall, J.S. (2021) Making Canada a Social Enterprise Tax Haven. The Ivey Business Journal.
Overall, J.S. (2021) The enduring legacy of colonization, slavery. The Hill Times.
Overall, J.S. (2021) Why some men don’t express their emotions. The Toronto Star.
Overall, J.S. (2021) Will 2021 be the year of the revolution? Mises Institute.
Overall, J.S. (2020) The pursuit of sustainable happiness. Ivey Business Journal
Rosalind, R., Overall, J.S. (2020) The future of work and the new economy require the creative collaboration of generations. The Globe and Mail.
Article LinkOverall, J.S. (2019) The ethics of mass surveillance: An anarchist, objectivist, and critical theorist perspective. Journal of Information Ethics, 28(2), pp. 34-50.
Article LinkMcMillan, C. Overall, J. (2016) Wicked Problems: Turning strategic management upside down. Journal of Business Strategy, 37(1), pp. 34-43.
Article LinkOverall, J.S. (2017) High-speed rail: Shrinking the rural/urban divide. The Canadian Business Journal, 10(8), pp. 48-52.
Article LinkOverall, J.S. (2017) Tips after Lyme disease is in your system. The Toronto Sun.
Article LinkOverall, J.S. (2017) Free speech and hate speech are completely different. The Province.
Article LinkOverall, J.S. (2016) Millennials' sense of entitlement might be just what health system needs. The Hill Times
Article LinkOverall, J.S. (2016) Breaking the cycle of Canadian mediocrity. The Huffington Post
Article LinkOverall, J.S. (2016) Excuse me Canada, please stop discriminating. It’s enough already. National Newswatch.
Article LinkOverall, J.S. (2016) Can capitalism make countries good? iPolitics
Article LinkOverall, J.S. (2015) The myths of unethical behaviour: What managers need to know. Ivey Business Journal
Article Link(i) Articles in refereed conference proceedings
Overall, J. (2021) Mindfulness and organizational productivity: A conceptual framework. 28th Annual International Vincentian Business Ethics Conference at DePaul University.
Carton, G., McMillan, C. Overall, J. (2016) Institutional change in higher education and rent-seeking in business schools. 2016 EFMD Higher Education Research Conference, Barcelona, Spain.
Overall, J.S., Cornelius, N., Wallace, J. (2014) The Conflicting Nature of Normative CSR: A Critical look through the Lens of Altruism and Rational Egoism. 9th Annual Philosophy of Management Conference 2014, Chicago, IL, USA.
Weber, C., Haugh, H., Overall, J.S. (2014) The determinants of relational synthesis in corporate-social enterprise collaborations. 30th EGOS Colloquium 2014, Rotterdam, Netherlands.
Weber, C. and Overall, J. (2014) Innovation, financial independence or both – what drives social impact the most? Empirical evidence of social enterprises (summary), Frontiers of Entrepreneurship Research, 34(18), Article 7 TOP 40 PAPER AWARD at the 2014 Babson College Entrepreneurship Research Conference, London, Ontario, Canada.
Overall, J.S., Wallace, J., & Cornelius, N. (2013) A Model of the Institutional Ethical Framework, Ethical Leadership and their Communication to Stakeholders. 73rd Annual Meeting of the Academy of Management, Orlando, Florida, USA.
McMillan, C., Overall, J.S. (2013) Playing It Safe: The MBA Curriculum and Wicked Problems - An Exercise in Disruptive Change in Management Learning. EFMD 2013 Annual Conference, Paris, France.
(i) Articles in conference proceedings
Overall, J.S. (2022) Mental health in the workplace: The role of addiction and the benefits of mindfulness. Keynote presentation. 3rd European Congress On Addiction, Psychiatry, and Mental Health. Rome, Italy, November 18th, 2022.
Overall, J.S. (2018) Combating rural poverty through altruism: A model for sustainable education. International Conference on Role of Nepali Diaspora in Higher Education at the University of Toronto, Canada on July 7, 2018.
Overall, J.S. (2016) The selfish gene and bounded rationality: The implications for rational egoism. The Association of Private Enterprise Education 41st Annual Conference, Las Vegas, NV, USA.
Overall, J.S. (2011, May 5) What are the causes of unethical behaviour in marketing? Ryerson University 4th Annual Research Colloquium, Toronto, ON, Canada.